14.01.2013, 19:29
Up to which point this is shown?
printf("Visited : %d",visited);
Or isnt it shown at all? This is quite probably a buffer overflow in some array, that then crashes the function, stops execution of OnPlayerCommandText in the filterscript, and so returning unknown command.
You could either add more printf() in the code, every few lines, to find out when exactly it is crashing, or you try the crashdetect plugin. It will work best when compiling the filterscript with debug symbols, if you dont know how to do that, try searching, or ask again, ill explain it more detailled then.
printf("Visited : %d",visited);
Or isnt it shown at all? This is quite probably a buffer overflow in some array, that then crashes the function, stops execution of OnPlayerCommandText in the filterscript, and so returning unknown command.
You could either add more printf() in the code, every few lines, to find out when exactly it is crashing, or you try the crashdetect plugin. It will work best when compiling the filterscript with debug symbols, if you dont know how to do that, try searching, or ask again, ill explain it more detailled then.