Worth doing or not?

I have an intel pentium 4, with 4 GB ddr2... if I buy the AMD version, that will upgrade my PC and then I could upgrade the PSU and get a better graphics card and then upgrade to ddr3 memory. I just need a computer that can run games better, that's all.

Messages In This Thread
Worth doing or not? - by ross8839 - 12.01.2013, 23:14
Re: Worth doing or not? - by admantis - 12.01.2013, 23:50
Re: Worth doing or not? - by ross8839 - 13.01.2013, 00:27
Re: Worth doing or not? - by StrangeLove - 13.01.2013, 06:03
Re: Worth doing or not? - by BlackBank - 13.01.2013, 10:30
Re: Worth doing or not? - by McDavidson - 13.01.2013, 13:47
Re: Worth doing or not? - by ross8839 - 13.01.2013, 14:13
Re: Worth doing or not? - by tiernantheman - 13.01.2013, 15:08
Re: Worth doing or not? - by [ABK]Antonio - 13.01.2013, 15:32
Re: Worth doing or not? - by Haydn - 13.01.2013, 16:12
Re: Worth doing or not? - by [HLF]Southclaw - 15.01.2013, 00:57
Re: Worth doing or not? - by Chrillzen - 16.01.2013, 08:43
AW: Worth doing or not? - by hoxo - 16.01.2013, 13:45
Re: Worth doing or not? - by Neonman - 16.01.2013, 14:35
Re: Worth doing or not? - by Chrillzen - 17.01.2013, 07:08
Re: Worth doing or not? - by MarshallNero - 17.01.2013, 12:19
Re: Worth doing or not? - by Mauzen - 17.01.2013, 13:06
Re: Worth doing or not? - by LeGGGeNNdA - 17.01.2013, 13:08

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