VIP dialog help

Okay so I want to add diffrent colors into my dialong
		case 16: // VIP Dialog
		    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 16, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Choose a vehicle type", "VIP Color (Bronze VIP)\nVIP Tag Above Head (Silver VIP)\nTune Vehicle (Silver VIP)\nCreate Advertisement (Silver VIP)\nChange Skin (Gold VIP)\nChange Age (Gold VIP)\nChange Gender (Gold VIP)\nChange Name (Platinum VIP)", "Choose", "Cancel");
So lets say I want "Change Name (Platinum VIP)" in the dialog to be green, how would I do that?

Messages In This Thread
VIP dialog help - by MichaelWharton101 - 13.01.2013, 03:08
Re: VIP dialog help - by [HK]Ryder[AN] - 13.01.2013, 03:16
Re: VIP dialog help - by MichaelWharton101 - 13.01.2013, 04:03
Re: VIP dialog help - by [MM]18240[FMB] - 13.01.2013, 04:36
Re: VIP dialog help - by Threshold - 13.01.2013, 04:38
Re: VIP dialog help - by MichaelWharton101 - 13.01.2013, 04:53

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