[Ajuda] input line was to loong

Iae manolos, tenho outro problema =/

Assim, eu tava formatando uma string com o format... mas aн deu erro de input line was to loong (algo assim) que й porque a linha estб muito grande... mas agora eu nгo sei como que eu faзo pra formatar! Nгo da pra diminuir mais! Eu tentei com STRCAT mas deu warns:

C:\Documents and Settings\Kieryce\Desktop\HeyHoLeysGo Trabalhos\filterscripts\hEmp.pwn(837) : warning 213: tag mismatch
C:\Documents and Settings\Kieryce\Desktop\HeyHoLeysGo Trabalhos\filterscripts\hEmp.pwn(837) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition
C:\Documents and Settings\Kieryce\Desktop\HeyHoLeysGo Trabalhos\filterscripts\hEmp.pwn(837) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition
C:\Documents and Settings\Kieryce\Desktop\HeyHoLeysGo Trabalhos\filterscripts\hEmp.pwn(837) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition
C:\Documents and Settings\Kieryce\Desktop\HeyHoLeysGo Trabalhos\filterscripts\hEmp.pwn(837) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition
C:\Documents and Settings\Kieryce\Desktop\HeyHoLeysGo Trabalhos\filterscripts\hEmp.pwn(838) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition
C:\Documents and Settings\Kieryce\Desktop\HeyHoLeysGo Trabalhos\filterscripts\hEmp.pwn(838) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition
Aн as linhas dos erros:
pawn Код:
strcat(str,"{00ED04}Vocк estб prestes a vender sua {FFFFFF}empresa:\n \n{00ED04}Empresa nas coordenadas:\nX: {FFFFFF}%f {00ED04}Y: {FFFFFF}%f {00ED04}Z: {FFFFFF}%f\n{00ED04}No valor de: R${FFFFFF}%d \n{00ED04}Com o interior conforme o ID: {FFFFFF}%d\n{00ED04}",DOF2_GetFloat(Emps,"X"),DOF2_GetFloat(Emps,"Y"),DOF2_GetFloat(Emps,"Z"),DOF2_GetInt(Emps,"Valor"),DOF2_GetInt(Emps,"IDInterior"));
strcat(str,"Com valor inicial de extorзгo por entrada de: R${FFFFFF}%d\n{00ED04}Com modelo de pickup conforme ID: {FFFFFF}%d\n{00ED04}Com o nome da empresa: {FFFFFF}%s\n \n{00ED04}Vocк tem certeza de que quer vender sua empresa?\nOBS: {FFFFFF}Vocк nгo poderб desfazer isto depois.",DOF2_GetInt(Emps,"Extorcao"),DOF2_GetInt(Emps,"Pickup"),DOF2_GetString(Emps,"Nome"));
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_VENDER_EMP,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,"{FADD00}h{000273}Emp{FFFFFF} - VENDER EMPRESA",str,"VENDER","Cancelar");
Alguem poderia me ajudar por favor? Num sei como que resolve isso aк... Obrigado pela atenзгo!

Messages In This Thread
input line was to loong - by HeyHoLetsGo - 13.01.2013, 00:24
Re: input line was to loong - by Dwayne-Pheonix - 13.01.2013, 00:30
Re: input line was to loong - by joeyleone - 13.01.2013, 00:30
Re: input line was to loong - by HeyHoLetsGo - 13.01.2013, 00:33
Re: input line was to loong - by @Riichard - 13.01.2013, 00:38
Re: input line was to loong - by Dwayne-Pheonix - 13.01.2013, 00:40
Re: input line was to loong - by HeyHoLetsGo - 13.01.2013, 00:41
Re: input line was to loong - by Dwayne-Pheonix - 13.01.2013, 00:44
Re: input line was to loong - by @Riichard - 13.01.2013, 00:45
Re: input line was to loong - by HeyHoLetsGo - 13.01.2013, 00:46

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