SA-MP 0.3x objects suggestions

I think fixed interiors shouldn't take up another object ID. It should be directly replaced with the original one, just like the LS office did. Those interiors are only added with collisions, which have no difference in appearance with the original one. It is a waste of the quota for the models due to the face that GTA:SA can only add 20000 different models and we don't have much left.

Also, terrains and floors shouldn't be added as separate objects for different textures. They should be combined as 1 model that only takes up 1 quota, and then provide alternate textures in the TXD file, so that scripters can change it in scripts.

I request for this because there are servers that add custom objects that are created by them. If the SA-MP object pack continues to add repeated models like 0.3e walls did, they can't add new objects any more. Thus I hope the usage of model could be seriously considered, unless you can overcome the GTA:SA limit of 20000 models.

Messages In This Thread
SA-MP 0.3x objects suggestions - by slayer101 - 08.01.2013, 21:13
Re: SA-MP 0.3x object's suggestions - by steki. - 08.01.2013, 21:20
Re: SA-MP 0.3x object's suggestions - by SchurmanCQC - 08.01.2013, 21:29
Re: SA-MP 0.3x object's suggestions - by Kar - 08.01.2013, 21:51
Re : Re: SA-MP 0.3x object's suggestions - by slayer101 - 08.01.2013, 21:56
Re: SA-MP 0.3x object's suggestions - by Macluawn - 08.01.2013, 22:08
Re : Re: SA-MP 0.3x object's suggestions - by slayer101 - 08.01.2013, 23:09
Re: Re : Re: SA-MP 0.3x object's suggestions - by SchurmanCQC - 09.01.2013, 00:32
Re : Re: Re : Re: SA-MP 0.3x object's suggestions - by slayer101 - 09.01.2013, 02:31
Re: SA-MP 0.3x object's suggestions - by okil - 09.01.2013, 05:25
Re: SA-MP 0.3x object's suggestions - by Luis- - 09.01.2013, 05:27
Re: SA-MP 0.3x object's suggestions - by Lorenc_ - 09.01.2013, 05:31
Re: SA-MP 0.3x object's suggestions - by ikkentim - 09.01.2013, 05:38
Re: SA-MP 0.3x object's suggestions - by papedo - 09.01.2013, 05:48
Re: SA-MP 0.3x object's suggestions - by Luis- - 09.01.2013, 06:00
Re: SA-MP 0.3x object's suggestions - by leong124 - 09.01.2013, 08:06
Re: SA-MP 0.3x object's suggestions - by MickeyB - 09.01.2013, 08:33
Re: SA-MP 0.3x object's suggestions - by Gforcez - 09.01.2013, 08:57
Re : Re: SA-MP 0.3x object's suggestions - by slayer101 - 09.01.2013, 10:57
Re: SA-MP 0.3x object's suggestions - by Dredd - 09.01.2013, 12:01
Re: SA-MP 0.3x object's suggestions - by Alex.Cone - 09.01.2013, 12:24
Re: Re : Re: SA-MP 0.3x object's suggestions - by leong124 - 09.01.2013, 13:38
Re: SA-MP 0.3x object's suggestions - by SDraw - 09.01.2013, 19:37
Re: SA-MP 0.3x object's suggestions - by slayer101 - 11.01.2013, 13:06
Re: SA-MP 0.3x object's suggestions - by Makar93 - 11.01.2013, 13:14
Re: SA-MP 0.3x object's suggestions - by Huxley - 11.01.2013, 16:55
Re: SA-MP 0.3x object's suggestions - by Diorturato - 11.01.2013, 17:12
Re: SA-MP 0.3x objects suggestions - by OKStyle - 11.01.2013, 17:45
Re: SA-MP 0.3x objects suggestions - by The_Creator - 11.01.2013, 17:46
Re: SA-MP 0.3x objects suggestions - by leong124 - 11.01.2013, 18:34
Re: SA-MP 0.3x objects suggestions - by Vedo_ - 12.01.2013, 09:56
AW: SA-MP 0.3x objects suggestions - by Atrox95 - 12.01.2013, 10:34
Re: SA-MP 0.3x objects suggestions - by okil - 14.01.2013, 18:19
Re: SA-MP 0.3x objects suggestions - by Johndaonee - 14.01.2013, 19:38
Re: SA-MP 0.3x objects suggestions - by slayer101 - 15.01.2013, 23:35
Re: SA-MP 0.3x objects suggestions - by RaZVaN ^ xD - 16.01.2013, 16:38
Re: SA-MP 0.3x objects suggestions - by Pasa - 16.01.2013, 17:55
Re: SA-MP 0.3x objects suggestions - by MP2 - 17.01.2013, 16:09
Re: SA-MP 0.3x objects suggestions - by slayer101 - 17.01.2013, 22:01
Re: SA-MP 0.3x objects suggestions - by leong124 - 18.01.2013, 11:16
Re : SA-MP 0.3x objects suggestions - by 435076378 - 28.01.2013, 08:51
Re: SA-MP 0.3x objects suggestions - by br0adyb0ii - 28.01.2013, 10:53
Re: Re : SA-MP 0.3x objects suggestions - by slayer101 - 31.01.2013, 00:38

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