a Problem with my Login script

I tested my new loginscript using dini from DracoBlue with 2 accountfiles.
I registered with:


so i got the files


As you can see I registered the same name 1 time with Clantag 1 time without.
When I now try to login with "Hunter", i can use the password of "[GF]Hunter" to login too. o.O
And when I use the name [GF]Hunter I can use the passwort of the Hunteraccount to login too. Where is the problem? Does dini have a problem with clantags or with similar names or is something wrong in my code? I get no compiliation errors neighter warnings. Thx for your time.

Here is my code:
forward OnPlayerLogin(playerid,autolog,password[]);
public OnPlayerLogin(playerid,autolog,password[])
      new s1[128],file[128],pname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME],levelstr[128];
      if(PlayerInfo[playerid][logged]==1) { return SendClientMessage(playerid,rot,"[Server]: You are already Logged!"); }
	if(strcmp(password,dini_Get(file,"password"),true) == 1)
	      format(s1,sizeof(s1),"Login Attempts (%d/3)",LogAttempts[playerid]);
	      ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_LOGIN, DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD, ""embhellgrьn"Team-German-Fighters "embgelb"Login-System",s1, "Login", "");
	      return SendClientMessage(playerid,rot,"[Server]: Wrong Password. Please try it again.");
             //if password was right do something here......
      return 1;

Messages In This Thread
a Problem with my Login script - by DJ-CJ89 - 08.01.2013, 11:12
Re: a Problem with my Login script - by [FR]Fratzica - 08.01.2013, 11:20
AW: Re: a Problem with my Login script - by DJ-CJ89 - 08.01.2013, 11:31

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