SA-MP Map Construction Help

Since my script already has a load of hard coded objects, would you recommend I load my pawn file into the editor, save all the new object code as a filter script and use it that way?

The only other problem I have is that I have some variables assigned to CreateDynamicOject, like this for example...

House1Gate = CreateDynamicObject(4100, -2532.52, 1499.17, 905.63, -40.00, 90.00, 50.70, 602;

Messages In This Thread
SA-MP Map Construction Help - by Xlithan - 06.01.2013, 00:51
Re: SA-MP Map Construction Help - by DiGiTaL_AnGeL - 06.01.2013, 08:14
Re: SA-MP Map Construction Help - by Xlithan - 06.01.2013, 14:22
Re: SA-MP Map Construction Help - by Tamer - 06.01.2013, 14:32
Re: SA-MP Map Construction Help - by Xlithan - 08.01.2013, 20:16

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