SQL Problem

So this is how it goes , I have a problem with my "factions" table in the database. The server kinda mixes up two fields called "fName" and "fRankAmount" . If I set my RankAmount to 12 , after I restart the gamemode the faction will be called "12" instead of "Los Santos Police Department" for example.
I'm gonna give you a screenshot of the table.

After I restart the gamemode it reads my RankAmount as the faction's name and if I try to invite someone in the faction I get the message " You must set your FactionRankAmount first"

Here is the screenshot of the table design :

If anyone has any ideas/suggestions please speak your mind ! I'm in a dead spot right now,can't figure that out.

Messages In This Thread
SQL Problem - by Jony_Cruze - 05.01.2013, 11:03
Re: SQL Problem - by Riddy - 05.01.2013, 11:39
Re: SQL Problem - by Jony_Cruze - 05.01.2013, 12:03

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