04.01.2013, 15:04
the problem with putting spaces "in zcmd":
you cannot put spaces in strcmp-designed commands either. no command processor does that.
a space is the delimeter to split parameters - but combined with that (parsing parameters), it is possible, tricky maybe, but look here:
if you understand the SetVehicleParamsEx functin mentioned above, then you can copy-n-paste the Get/Set parameter lines, and insert them into my spaghetti-code. after changing the desired variable (opening/closing bonnet/trunk etc), the commands can be improved further:
by setting a (player)variable for the vehicles' parts status (0=closed/switched off, 1=opened/switched on bonnet/trunk/door(s)/light(s))... < i know, that looks horrible ^^
...then you can additionally add one more string to the parameters. if they are given as optional (uppercase "S" strings, you might want to add a default switch for lazy players, like "switch" for changing the variable from 0 to 1, and 1 to 0.
switching a binary, is simply done by doing bit=1-bit;
ok, i edited some more, and added the option (can be left out ingame, so it defaults to "switch"):
thats only for the bonnet - try that first (not tested!), it it works, good. if not, good: fixing bugs=learning.
you cannot put spaces in strcmp-designed commands either. no command processor does that.
a space is the delimeter to split parameters - but combined with that (parsing parameters), it is possible, tricky maybe, but look here:
CMD:car(playerid,params[]){ new Action[16]; if(!sscanf(params,"S(help)[16]",Action)) { if(!sscanf(Action,"s(16)","help")) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "/Car Bonnet/Trunk/Lights"); return 1; } if(!sscanf(Action,"s(16)","bonnet")) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "Vehicle bonnet opened"); return 1; } if(!sscanf(Action,"s(16)","trunk")) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "Vehicle trunk opened"); return 1; } if(!sscanf(Action,"s(16)","lights")) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "Vehicle lights enabled"); return 1; } } return 1; }
by setting a (player)variable for the vehicles' parts status (0=closed/switched off, 1=opened/switched on bonnet/trunk/door(s)/light(s))... < i know, that looks horrible ^^
...then you can additionally add one more string to the parameters. if they are given as optional (uppercase "S" strings, you might want to add a default switch for lazy players, like "switch" for changing the variable from 0 to 1, and 1 to 0.
switching a binary, is simply done by doing bit=1-bit;
ok, i edited some more, and added the option (can be left out ingame, so it defaults to "switch"):
CMD:car(playerid,params[]){ new Part[16],Action[16]; if(!sscanf(params,"S(help)[16]S(switch)[16]",Part,Action)) { if(!sscanf(Part,"s(16)","help")) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "/car <bonnet/trunk/lights> <switch / on/open / off/close>"); return 1; } if(!sscanf(Part,"s(16)","bonnet")) { if(!sscanf(Action,"s(16)","switch")) { VehicleBonnet[vehicleid]=1-VehicleBonnet[vehicleid]; } else if(!sscanf(Action,"s(16)","open")) { VehicleBonnet[vehicleid]=1; } else if(!sscanf(Action,"s(16)","close")) { VehicleBonnet[vehicleid]=0; } switch(VehicleBonnet[vehicleid]) { case 0: { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "Vehicle bonnet closed"); } case 1: { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "Vehicle bonnet opened"); } } //SetVehicleParamsEx();// thats your job ^^ }