MySQL DB - zahrej.playerinfo

I don't know if you mean this but, to search something in the table that looks like it you should use the LIKE option.

Here's a sample: SELECT * FROM `$db_table` WHERE `name` LIKE '%$filter%'
where $db_table is the table (playerinfo) and $filter is the word or a part you are searching for.

Messages In This Thread
MySQL DB - zahrej.playerinfo - by papam77 - 02.01.2013, 17:07
Re: MySQL DB - zahrej.playerinfo - by ca2k - 02.01.2013, 19:53
Re: MySQL DB - zahrej.playerinfo - by papam77 - 03.01.2013, 09:28
Re: MySQL DB - zahrej.playerinfo - by ToxXiC - 03.01.2013, 10:05
Re: MySQL DB - zahrej.playerinfo - by papam77 - 03.01.2013, 10:10
Re: MySQL DB - zahrej.playerinfo - by Guest9328472398472 - 03.01.2013, 11:57

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