Yet another gTeam question.

how do u save ur player stats .. etc

save it using file function (dini,y_ini.. etc) or mysql

on player connect check if name matches the player which u saved and if does then assign him a team.. dont ask me how to save player stats ****** for it

Messages In This Thread
Yet another gTeam question. - by [MM]18240[FMB] - 31.12.2012, 20:55
Re: Yet another gTeam question. - by RedCrossER - 31.12.2012, 21:22
Re: Yet another gTeam question. - by [MM]18240[FMB] - 31.12.2012, 21:29
Re: Yet another gTeam question. - by RedCrossER - 31.12.2012, 21:35
Re: Yet another gTeam question. - by CrazyJin - 31.12.2012, 21:45
Re: Yet another gTeam question. - by [MM]18240[FMB] - 03.01.2013, 01:02
Re: Yet another gTeam question. - by mastermax7777 - 03.01.2013, 01:05
Re: Yet another gTeam question. - by [MM]18240[FMB] - 03.01.2013, 20:12
AW: Yet another gTeam question. - by Blackazur - 03.01.2013, 20:14
Re: Yet another gTeam question. - by [MM]18240[FMB] - 03.01.2013, 23:34

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