[FilterScript] Advanced Command Center

Guys, I'm a basic scripter.
Plus, it's still being worked on.
Why would anyone want to kick them self? Because what if a user gets glitched, and there's no way to kill them self, or re-spawn?

Why would anyone want to ban them self? I don't know.

Messages In This Thread
Advanced Command Center - by DJTunes - 01.01.2013, 12:39
Re: Advanced Command Center - by DJTunes - 01.01.2013, 15:28
Re: Advanced Command Center - by DiGiTaL_AnGeL - 01.01.2013, 17:51
Re: Advanced Command Center - by RedCrossER - 01.01.2013, 19:07
Re: Advanced Command Center - by InfiniTy. - 01.01.2013, 19:10
Re: Advanced Command Center - by Mr.Anonymous - 01.01.2013, 19:31
Re: Advanced Command Center - by navroopsingh - 01.01.2013, 19:39
Re: Advanced Command Center - by jaami - 01.01.2013, 19:43
Re: Advanced Command Center - by InfiniTy. - 01.01.2013, 19:46
Re: Advanced Command Center - by DJTunes - 01.01.2013, 21:12

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