[FilterScript] Anti Team Kill Kick

Filterscript: Anti Team Kill Kick
Description: This will kick anyone who team kills the first time they kill a teammate
Hello guys, I'm DJTunes. I'm back with another filterscript. This filterscript is a filterscript that I actually think works pretty good. I give you an Anti Team Kill Kick. An Anti Team Kill Kick? Yes, this Anti Team Kill Kick will kick anyone from your server who kills another teammate. I haven't got to try this out myself yet due to not having anyone test it out with me. If you experience not being kicked if you team kill, or if you don't experience someone else being kicked after team killing you, please reply to this thread saying so.

What is this good for?
I always include this section in all of my releases because I get asked a lot "Why would I need this?". Here is your answer. If you were getting spawn killed, and team killed at the same time, trying to run would do nothing. Having a team kill system that would kill them, and take away their money is kind of useful. Though, most team killers just go on servers just to piss people off, not to care about their money. Another example is some servers have a rule where that since you've been warned, you get no warnings so this would be good for you.

All the credits go to me

To add this filterscript to your server just download the server package using mediafire, or copy the paste on pastebin, and paste it to PAWN/PAWNO and compile it. After download it from mediafire, or compiling it using PAWN, go to your server rcon panel. Log in, and now go to "Web FTP", or however you upload Filterscripts to your server. Now upload the .amx to your /filterscripts. Now go on server.cfg and add "AntiTeamKill" right after "filterscripts"

Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/x6MYpew6
Mediafire: http://www.mediafire.com/?to1wggz7el5xy17

Messages In This Thread
Anti Team Kill Kick - by DJTunes - 01.01.2013, 03:40
Re: Anti Team Kill Kick - by navroopsingh - 01.01.2013, 05:50
Re: Anti Team Kill Kick - by DJTunes - 01.01.2013, 11:21
Re: Anti Team Kill Kick - by cray1100 - 24.06.2013, 06:44
Re: Anti Team Kill Kick - by MyNinja - 24.06.2013, 06:57
Re: Anti Team Kill Kick - by sKgaL - 24.06.2013, 23:17
Re: Anti Team Kill Kick - by DeMoX - 24.06.2013, 23:27
Re: Anti Team Kill Kick - by DJTunes - 26.06.2013, 03:58

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