PLease help me with YSI

HELp Please When i lunch the server it say's

[02:18:02] =======================================
[02:18:02] | |
[02:18:02] | Error: Could not connect to YSI |
[02:18:02] | update server (response was 001). |
[02:18:02] | |
[02:18:02] =======================================
Why is that ?

Do I need latest Version ?

Messages In This Thread
PLease help me with YSI - by Tidzii - 01.01.2013, 01:06
Re: PLease help me with YSI - by [HK]Ryder[AN] - 01.01.2013, 04:41
Re: PLease help me with YSI - by vMapper - 01.01.2013, 05:08

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