VIP Command - Multipe Errors

Try replacing the ',' in:
pawn Код:
/vuntune {FFFFFF}- Removes every tune from your vehicle\n\n\n\n",
with a ;

So you end up with:
pawn Код:
/vuntune {FFFFFF}- Removes every tune from your vehicle\n\n\n\n";
Do this with these lines as well:
pawn Код:
/vdick {FFFFFF}- Adds the well-known Dildo toyn\n\n\n",
{FFFFFF}Use /vc For VIP Chat\n"
{FFFFFF}For more information visit our website:" ,
Your code should be:
pawn Код:
CMD:vcmds(playerid, params[])
    if (Vip[playerid] >= 1)
        new Bronze[]="{FF4101}Bronze VIP Commands\n\
        /vips {FFFFFF}-Shows the online VIP players\n\
        /vheli {FFFFFF}-Spawns the VIP Helicopter\n\
        /vboat {FFFFFF}- Spawns the VIP Boat\n\
        /vplane {FFFFFF}- Spawns the VIP Airplane\n\
        /vheal {FFFFFF}- Fulls your Health bar\n\
        /varmour {FFFFFF}- Fulls your Armour bar\n\
        /vnos {FFFFFF}- Adds Nitro to your vehicle\n\
        /vcolor {FFFFFF}- Changes your list colour with the defined VIP\n\
        /vtunecmds {FFFFFF}- Displays the tune commands\n\                               //970
        /vtune {FFFFFF}- Tunes your vehicle with the defined tunes\n\                   //971
        /vuntune {FFFFFF}- Removes every tune from your vehicle\n\n\n\n"

        new Silver[]="{FA0404}Silver VIP Commands\n\
        All the Bronze VIP Features plus:\n\
        /vskin {FFFFFF}- Changes your skin\n\
        /visland {FFFFFF}- Teleports you to the VIP Island\n\
        /vsay {FFFFFF}- Says what you wrote as an server VIP \n\
        /vdick {FFFFFF}- Adds the well-known Dildo toyn\n\n\n"

        new Gold[]="{F7A26F}Gold VIP Commands\n\
        All of the Bronze and Silver VIP features plus:\n\
        /vannounce {FFFFFF}- Announces what you wrote as an server VIP\n\
        /vshop {FFFFFF}- Opens the VIP Shop Dialogue\n\
        /vfeature {FFFFFF}- Displays the VIP Features\n\
        /vgodcar {FFFFFF}- Makes your car invunerable\n\n\n\
        {FFFFFF}Use /vc For VIP Chat\n"

        new Plantinum[]="{F7A26F}Plantinum VIP Commands\n\
        -Personal Exotic Car                    \n\
        -Custom Mapped House                    \n\
        -Priority on /report                    \n\
        -500.000 Virtual Cash (In-game)         \n\n\n\
        {FFFFFF}Use /vc for the VIP Chat\n\
        {FFFFFF}Please read the VIP Rules dialogue (/viprules)\n\
        {FFFFFF}For more information visit our website:"

        format( XVcmds, sizeof XVcmds, "%s%s%s%s%s", Bronze, Silver, Gold , Plantinum);
        Vcmds(playerid, V.I.PCmds, xBox, "V.I.P Commands", XVcmds, "OK", "" );
    return 1;
If that doesn't work, try using strcat functions.

Messages In This Thread
VIP Command - Multipe Errors - by geohareas - 31.12.2012, 12:06
Re: VIP Command - Multipe Errors - by Zex Tan - 31.12.2012, 12:14
Re: VIP Command - Multipe Errors - by mau.tito - 31.12.2012, 12:20
Re: VIP Command - Multipe Errors - by geohareas - 31.12.2012, 12:20
Re: VIP Command - Multipe Errors - by geohareas - 31.12.2012, 12:22
Re: VIP Command - Multipe Errors - by geohareas - 31.12.2012, 12:41
Re: VIP Command - Multipe Errors - by Threshold - 31.12.2012, 12:48

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