How will you celebrate the New Year?

i will step out for 30 minutes, maybe with my camera and tripod, running a litle BASIC script for capturing a HDR-image of the show... then i will definetly spend at least 3 hours playing SAMP.

Messages In This Thread
How will you celebrate the New Year? - by Dr4mX123 - 30.12.2012, 21:30
Re: How will you celebrate the New Year? - by Jernu - 30.12.2012, 21:32
Re: How will you celebrate the New Year? - by Hiddos - 30.12.2012, 21:50
Re: How will you celebrate the New Year? - by Babul - 30.12.2012, 21:58
Re: How will you celebrate the New Year? - by MagicClucker - 30.12.2012, 22:11
Re: How will you celebrate the New Year? - by CJ101 - 31.12.2012, 01:09
Re: How will you celebrate the New Year? - by Riddy - 31.12.2012, 01:27
Re: How will you celebrate the New Year? - by Scott - 31.12.2012, 01:29
Re: How will you celebrate the New Year? - by JoelR - 31.12.2012, 01:38
Re: How will you celebrate the New Year? - by thefatshizms - 31.12.2012, 01:40

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