Server donations

I've recently heard that donations shouldn't require a recurring payment; it should only be once fee to the individual and your server can be blacklisted if donations have recurring payments. How true is this?
Example: You can get blacklisted if donations have a time period, say a month, instead of forever (one payment)

Messages In This Thread
Server donations - by Tee - 30.12.2012, 19:58
Re: Server donations - by woot - 30.12.2012, 20:06
Re: Server donations - by Mr.Anonymous - 30.12.2012, 20:08
Re: Server donations - by GhostDeath - 30.12.2012, 20:08
Re: Server donations - by =SilverHawk= - 30.12.2012, 20:08
Re: Server donations - by Tee - 30.12.2012, 20:12
Re: Server donations - by GhostDeath - 30.12.2012, 20:18
Re: Server donations - by Kyle - 30.12.2012, 20:44
Re: Server donations - by AlexH - 30.12.2012, 20:50

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