Originally Posted by tuuker
So if i would make 3 weapon pickups under same pickup name, for example:
pawn Код:
new Weapon[3];
Weapon[0] = CreatePickup... blabla... Weapon[1] = CreatePickup... blabla... Weapon[2]= CreatePickup... blabla...
OnPlayerPickup if(pickupid == Weapon[0],Weapon[1],Weapon[2]) { //blabla do that, that..
would work fine? As i like to use pickup type 1 so i can tell it myself when to destroy that pickup, how would i get if its [2] or [1] which one to destroy if player is at that pickup?
Yes it will , but what you mean to do with weapon[0], ? You weapon[1] or weapon[2] ? If yes then this is wrong
pawn Код:
if(pickupid == Weapon[0],Weapon[1],Weapon[2]) {
The correct code is :
pawn Код:
if(pickupid == Weapon[0] || Weapon[1] || Weapon[2]) {