Weird Issue regarding objects

If I use this code for spawning:

vehid[playerid] = CreateVehicle(SumoModels[random(sizeof(SumoModels))], SumoSpawns[rand][0], SumoSpawns[rand][1], SumoSpawns[rand][2], SumoSpawns[rand][3], -1, -1, 10000);
The objects don't show up at all.

But if I use this code for spawning:

vehid[playerid] = CreateVehicle(402, -2158.5586, -1689.3036, 461.1118, 0.0, -1, -1, 0);
Everything loads perfectly.

For the first code, I still spawn perfectly, with a vehicle, I just can't see the objects meanwhile with defined vehicle and positions, second code, I see objects perfectly.. How could I fix the first code to work properly?

Messages In This Thread
Weird Issue regarding objects - by Abreezy - 28.12.2012, 03:47
Re: Weird Issue regarding objects - by Faisal_khan - 28.12.2012, 05:59
Re: Weird Issue regarding objects - by Grim_ - 28.12.2012, 06:57
Re: Weird Issue regarding objects - by Abreezy - 28.12.2012, 07:51
Re: Weird Issue regarding objects - by Abreezy - 29.12.2012, 00:18

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