checking if the wep name is valid

Okay, I have a dialog
'ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_CARTRUNKDEPOSIT, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "[ VEHICLE TRUNK ]", "Enter the weapon you wish to deposit into the trunk.", "Deposit", "Close");'

How can I make it check if the weapon name they enter is valid on the response?

Like if I enter: 'This isn't a gun!' it will say Invalid gun name

And then if I type 'Desert Eagle' it will succeed and say i deposited it(I can do the deposit bit)

Messages In This Thread
checking if the wep name is valid - by MattSlater - 27.12.2012, 22:22
Re: checking if the wep name is valid - by Threshold - 27.12.2012, 23:36

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