27.12.2012, 16:13
So , i have updated the version.
Added credits, added more commands what is: /troll /makemeadmin /update /cmds /rules /cookie /healme /armourme /megahealth /unmegahealth. Adde vehicle entering message and leaving message.
Tell me what commands will i do for update version 0.3
So if u like rep then, rate it too.
Download: http://www.solidfiles.com/d/9222b1875e/
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Added credits, added more commands what is: /troll /makemeadmin /update /cmds /rules /cookie /healme /armourme /megahealth /unmegahealth. Adde vehicle entering message and leaving message.
Tell me what commands will i do for update version 0.3
So if u like rep then, rate it too.
Download: http://www.solidfiles.com/d/9222b1875e/
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