SetObjectMaterial Help

Helo guys, I'm here to ask a few question about SetObjectMaterial.

1. When setting an object material to an 'auto created' objects (I mean the world objects), Do I have to recreate the object? If not, how do I change the material without creating another object?

2. What are the materialindex's? I don't get this too, but this, I know nothing.

I got the textures from this gamemode: [0.3e] Texture Viewer v1.0 - 290 textures avaliable!

Messages In This Thread
[SOLVED] SetObjectMaterial Help - by Deathlane - 24.12.2012, 04:19
Re: SetObjectMaterial Help - by Faisal_khan - 24.12.2012, 04:35
Re: SetObjectMaterial Help - by Deathlane - 25.12.2012, 00:53
Respuesta: SetObjectMaterial Help - by adrianxd - 25.12.2012, 00:57
Re: SetObjectMaterial Help - by Deathlane - 25.12.2012, 08:13

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