LS-PD cars not spawning

Originally Posted by James Bob
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I've fixed it now I have:
C:\Program Files\SAMP\gamemodes\HSRP.pwn(101970) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
C:\Program Files\SAMP\gamemodes\HSRP.pwn(102043) : error 010: invalid function or declaration

LSPDVehicles[0] = AddStaticVehicleEx(596,1602.0660,-1683.9678,5.6124,90.3080,0,1, VEHICLE_RESPAWN); // Cruiser
Why do you use the back of the AddStaticVehicleEx code 'VEHICLE_RESPAWN'?
You better drop a time. You want him to respawn after 1 minute, use 60. After 2 minutes, use for example 120.

Messages In This Thread
LS-PD cars not spawning - by James Bob - 23.12.2012, 12:14
Re: LS-PD cars not spawning - by gtafreak15 - 23.12.2012, 12:23
Re: LS-PD cars not spawning - by James Bob - 23.12.2012, 12:35
Re: LS-PD cars not spawning - by gtafreak15 - 23.12.2012, 13:05
Re: LS-PD cars not spawning - by James Bob - 24.12.2012, 08:14

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