DIALOG HELP - /credits command

Hello there,

Guys i am a newbie developed and i am trying all the day to make an /credits command with a dialog (MSG_BOX)
but i get errors all the time..:@

Can you please help me?I want a template like this:

(Title)Server Credits:

Actually i cant neither script the command,nor the dialog!! help me please! can you please send me a command?
(It will be easy for you!)

Thanks in advance for reading my post!

Best regards,

Messages In This Thread
DIALOG HELP - /credits command - by geohareas - 23.12.2012, 13:00
Re: DIALOG HELP - /credits command - by geohareas - 23.12.2012, 13:42
Re: DIALOG HELP - /credits command - by SilverKiller - 23.12.2012, 13:44
Re: DIALOG HELP - /credits command - by Patrick - 23.12.2012, 13:46
Re: DIALOG HELP - /credits command - by geohareas - 23.12.2012, 14:02

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