[Map] Auditorium/Theatre/Stage YOU NAME IT! =D

This is the very first mapping I ever made. As a novice mapper I wasn't aware of the simple interiors and the endless type of models I have to use for my mapping. So I began using small model pieces and formed them into big objects. I used stares to make floors Tables to make Stages and etc.

Story Behind this mapping:
After a long day in the movie theater I came home playing SA-MP and it came to me. Mhm... wouldn't it be nice if there would be a movie theater that I can role-play my shows in? There I downloaded SA-MP Editor and began mapping. My motivation like other mappers and scripters is endless role-play.


Corner View of the Stage;

Projector/Security's desk;

Image of the topped roads of seats/audience.

Messages In This Thread
Auditorium/Theatre/Stage YOU NAME IT! =D - by Verdan - 23.12.2012, 00:50
Re: Auditorium/Theatre/Stage YOU NAME IT! =D - by Shane_Kingston - 30.12.2012, 13:02
Re: Auditorium/Theatre/Stage YOU NAME IT! =D - by [HK]Ryder[AN] - 30.12.2012, 13:08
Re: Auditorium/Theatre/Stage YOU NAME IT! =D - by Baboon - 30.12.2012, 13:31
Re: Auditorium/Theatre/Stage YOU NAME IT! =D - by Feastahashi - 30.12.2012, 13:39
Re: Auditorium/Theatre/Stage YOU NAME IT! =D - by Verdan - 09.07.2013, 22:03
Re: Auditorium/Theatre/Stage YOU NAME IT! =D - by Verdan - 16.01.2014, 22:57
Re: Auditorium/Theatre/Stage YOU NAME IT! =D - by BigBadWolf - 16.01.2014, 23:07

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