Arrest doesn't put them in RandomCell?

Originally Posted by park4bmx
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pawn Код:
new rand = random(sizeof(RandomPrison));
SetPlayerPos(playerb, RandomPrison[rand ][0], RandomPrison[rand ][1], RandomPrison[rand ][2]);
use the random there two
He already has that done.. Are you certain that it doesn't place you in a random cell? You will have to try a bunch of times. Sometimes the random function picks the same one when there are little options to choose from.

Messages In This Thread
Arrest doesn't put them in RandomCell? - by Lz - 15.12.2012, 19:51
Re: Arrest doesn't put them in RandomCell? - by park4bmx - 15.12.2012, 19:54
Re: Arrest doesn't put them in RandomCell? - by Lz - 15.12.2012, 20:07
Re: Arrest doesn't put them in RandomCell? - by willsuckformoney - 15.12.2012, 20:10
Re: Arrest doesn't put them in RandomCell? - by Lz - 15.12.2012, 20:12
Re: Arrest doesn't put them in RandomCell? - by willsuckformoney - 15.12.2012, 20:17
Re: Arrest doesn't put them in RandomCell? - by park4bmx - 15.12.2012, 20:17

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