Quicksort gets lowest score first instead of highest

The following script makes to lowest score comes first. But i want the highest one to come first. How can i make this possible with the following script?

pawn Code:
stock quickSort(array[], left, right)
        tempLeft = left,
        tempRight = right,
        pivot = array[(left + right) / 2],
    while(tempLeft <= tempRight)
        while(array[tempLeft] < pivot) tempLeft++;
        while(array[tempRight] > pivot) tempRight--;

        if(tempLeft <= tempRight)
            tempVar = array[tempLeft], array[tempLeft] = array[tempRight], array[tempRight] = tempVar;
            tempLeft++, tempRight--;
    if(left < tempRight) quickSort(array, left, tempRight);
    if(tempLeft < right) quickSort(array, tempLeft, right);

Messages In This Thread
Quicksort gets lowest score first instead of highest - by HireMe - 14.12.2012, 21:50
Re: Quicksort gets lowest score first instead of highest - by Vince - 14.12.2012, 21:52
Re: Quicksort gets lowest score first instead of highest - by HireMe - 15.12.2012, 11:37
Re: Quicksort gets lowest score first instead of highest - by Sinner - 15.12.2012, 12:40

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