[GameMode] Deathmatch "Call Of Duty"

Deathmatch "Call Of Duty"
Simple GameMode by Me This gamemode have 2 maps, with timers. After 15 min map switch, and after 15 back to the old map. Server have some simple stufs like admin commands, vip system.. Watch the video and see the pictures for more info.

* My second GameMode

What server have:
- Login System
- Map Timer
- Killstreak
- Rank (Level)
- XP
- Admin Sstem
- VIP System
- Textdraw Rank
- Drop Guns
Admin Commands:
- /kick - /ban - /goto - /gethere - /spec - /endspec
- /warn - /unwarn - /ann - /cc - /aduty - /sethp
- /givemoney - /setscore - /setarmour - /slap
- /armourall -/healall - /freeze - /unfreeze
- /giveweapon - /giveallcash - /giveallscore
- /giveallweapon - /giveall - /setcash - /setxp
- /setvip - /spawn - /explode - /sal - /setskin
- /kickall - /unlock - /makeadmin - /unban - /setks
Player Commands:
- /report - /xp - /nuke - /unlock < To unlock killstreaks
- /stats - /kill - /admins - /myrank - /accinfo - /resstats
- /rules - /information - /pm - /vips
Info: How to make you self admin. In game /makeadmin. Or register, /q and go to scriptfiles Admin = 0 set to 1338.
Info: How to make you self or other VIP /setvip in game or go to scriptfiles and change Vip = 0 to 1/2/3

Info: How to make you self vip or some other player. 1. You need admin. 2. /setvip (playerid) (vip lvl).
Vip lvls: 1 = Gold 2 = Silver 3= Bronze.

/stats (Showing you stats. Kills/Deaths..)
/xp (Showing you how much xp you have.
/accinfo (Showing you how many warns u have.
/myrank (Showing you how witch rank you are.
/vips (Showing you how VIPs online.
/resstats (Setting you kill/deaths stats to 0.
/nuke (Nuke.. Using a killstreak on somebody, You need to "/unlock first.
/pm (Send a private message to player(s).
/unlock (Unlocks killstreak. So you can use /nuke..)
- Max warns is 3. When player reach 3 warnings he will be banned.
- When you warn player, he will be kicked.
- When you spawn after 15 min, switch map. And after 15 back to the orginal.
- When player spawn AntiSpawn kill in 6 seconds.
- You need to unlock the killstreaks so you can use them. You need 500 xp for that.
- When you die you will drope you weapons. /pgun, /dgun to pick up gun and drop gun.

- All commands work fine i tested evrything before i "realese" gm
Coming Soon:

More then 4 maps
Fixed Bugs:
There was some command bugs but fixed

Video With new map:

What's new:
/setmap (playerid) (map 0-1 )
/setks (playerid) (unlock killstreak 0-1)
/astop (stop audiostream)
Other stats.
Map 2 is not same.
Download: Click Here v1.1
Download: Click Here v1.0
Pastebin Click Here v1.0

Messages In This Thread
Deathmatch "Call Of Duty" V1.1 - by dino_d_carter - 14.12.2012, 20:53
Re: Deathmatch "Call Of Duty" - by XtremeR - 14.12.2012, 21:25
Re: Deathmatch "Call Of Duty" - by dino_d_carter - 14.12.2012, 21:31
Re: Deathmatch "Call Of Duty" - by Jonathan19 - 14.12.2012, 21:40
Re: Deathmatch "Call Of Duty" - by dino_d_carter - 14.12.2012, 21:41
Re: Deathmatch "Call Of Duty" - by Socan - 14.12.2012, 23:52
Re: Deathmatch "Call Of Duty" - by dino_d_carter - 15.12.2012, 12:05
Re: Deathmatch "Call Of Duty" - by M3mPHi$_S3 - 15.12.2012, 13:40
Re: Deathmatch "Call Of Duty" - by Cold Fire - 15.12.2012, 14:00
Re: Deathmatch "Call Of Duty" - by dino_d_carter - 15.12.2012, 15:03

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