Vehicle ownership.

You have to get the vehicle IDs AFTER you spawn the vehicles, let me help you.
pawn Code:
new autohauscars[41];

//Where you spawn the vehicles:
autohauscars[0] = CreateVehicle(//first vehicle)
autohauscars[1] = CreateVehicle(//second vehicle, etc.)
//Until autohauscars[41] = CreateVehicle(.

    new g;
    for(g=0; g<41; g++)
        if(autohauscars[g] == carid) return g;
    return -1;
This code should work perfectly if you edit the CreateVehicles as I told you to.

Messages In This Thread
Vehicle ownership. - by eFlex - 14.12.2012, 14:45
Re: Vehicle ownership. - by maramizo - 14.12.2012, 14:59
Re: Vehicle ownership. - by eFlex - 14.12.2012, 15:07
Re: Vehicle ownership. - by maramizo - 14.12.2012, 15:27
Re: Vehicle ownership. - by eFlex - 14.12.2012, 21:23

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