14.12.2012, 11:32
й erros que tem que verificar mano!
pawn Код:
COloquei a linha do OnPlayerText, para vocкs darem uma olhada;
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerText(playerid, text[])
if(text[0] == '#' && PlayerInfo[playerid][Level] >= 1) {
new string[128]; GetPlayerName(playerid,string,sizeof(string));
format(string,sizeof(string),"Admin Chat: %s: %s",string,text[1]); MessageToAdmins(green,string);
return 0;
if(ServerInfo[DisableChat] == 1) {
SendClientMessage(playerid,red,"Chat has been disabled");
return 0;
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][Muted] == 1)
new string[128];
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][MuteWarnings] < ServerInfo[MaxMuteWarnings]) {
format(string, sizeof(string),"WARNING: You are muted, if you continue to speak you will be kicked. (%d / %d)", PlayerInfo[playerid][MuteWarnings], ServerInfo[MaxMuteWarnings] );
} else {
SendClientMessage(playerid,red,"You have been warned ! Now you have been kicked");
format(string, sizeof(string),"***%s (ID %d) was kicked for exceeding mute warnings", PlayerName2(playerid), playerid);
SaveToFile("KickLog",string); Kick(playerid);
} return 0;
if(ServerInfo[AntiSpam] == 1 && (PlayerInfo[playerid][Level] == 0 && !IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) )
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][SpamCount] == 0) PlayerInfo[playerid][SpamTime] = TimeStamp();
if(TimeStamp() - PlayerInfo[playerid][SpamTime] > SPAM_TIMELIMIT) { // Its OK your messages were far enough apart
PlayerInfo[playerid][SpamCount] = 0;
PlayerInfo[playerid][SpamTime] = TimeStamp();
else if(PlayerInfo[playerid][SpamCount] == SPAM_MAX_MSGS) {
new string[64]; format(string,sizeof(string),"%s has been kicked (Flood/Spam Protection)", PlayerName2(playerid));
SendClientMessageToAll(grey,string); print(string);
else if(PlayerInfo[playerid][SpamCount] == SPAM_MAX_MSGS-1) {
SendClientMessage(playerid,red,"Anti Spam Warning! Next is a kick.");
return 0;
if(ServerInfo[AntiSwear] == 1 && PlayerInfo[playerid][Level] < ServerInfo[MaxAdminLevel])
for(new s = 0; s < ForbiddenWordCount; s++)
new pos;
while((pos = strfind(text,ForbiddenWords[s],true)) != -1) for(new i = pos, j = pos + strlen(ForbiddenWords[s]); i < j; i++) text[i] = '*';
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][Caps] == 1) UpperToLower(text);
if(ServerInfo[NoCaps] == 1) UpperToLower(text);
for(new i = 1; i < MAX_CHAT_LINES-1; i++) Chat[i] = Chat[i+1];
new ChatSTR[128]; GetPlayerName(playerid,ChatSTR,sizeof(ChatSTR)); format(ChatSTR,128,"[lchat]%s: %s",ChatSTR, text[0] );
return 1;