Optimization of code based on dates

When you use:
pawn Код:
new variable = GetDate();
It returns the days since the start of the current year in the date.
If you could get the GetDate stock, you could edit it to return days since a certain date that you choose in a parameter i.e GetDateEx(10,12,1941), multiply the days by 24, then 60 to get the minutes, then compare those on player login to the time in the ban parameter, and see if they're larger or smaller, if larger than player is unbanned, if smaller then player stays banned.

Messages In This Thread
Optimization of code based on dates - by LarzI - 13.12.2012, 23:30
Re: Optimization of code based on dates - by Jefff - 13.12.2012, 23:56
Re: Optimization of code based on dates - by LarzI - 13.12.2012, 23:58
Re: Optimization of code based on dates - by maramizo - 13.12.2012, 23:58
Re: Optimization of code based on dates - by LarzI - 14.12.2012, 00:05
Re: Optimization of code based on dates - by maramizo - 14.12.2012, 00:18
Re: Optimization of code based on dates - by LarzI - 14.12.2012, 00:24
Re: Optimization of code based on dates - by maramizo - 14.12.2012, 00:35
Re: Optimization of code based on dates - by LarzI - 14.12.2012, 01:31
Re: Optimization of code based on dates - by maramizo - 14.12.2012, 02:07

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