PayDay and Score problem

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason)
    SetPlayerScore( killerid, GetPlayerScore( playerid ) + 1 );
    GivePlayerMoney( killerid, 1000 );
    return true;
2. I don't quite get what your problem is, nor what you want. Please try explaining in better English.

Messages In This Thread
PayDay and Score problem - by FL3GM4 - 14.12.2012, 01:03
Re: PayDay and Score problem - by maramizo - 14.12.2012, 01:08
Re: PayDay and Score problem - by LarzI - 14.12.2012, 01:18
Re: PayDay and Score problem - by FL3GM4 - 14.12.2012, 01:38

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