Using "EditObject(...);"

Use A menu (Dialog, textdraw), get the player response, On his response, create the object using CreateObject at any co-ordinates, GetPlayerPos to get his position, Make it y+0.1 or something, so that the glasses come forward, AttachObject to attach it to him, and if you are using a ini system, open the file using fopen if !fexist, and write into it using INI_WriteInt, and on player connect, load it (Read the file).

I always suggest making a basic guideline or an algorithm before scripting, because it gives you an idea of what is left to do and you don't mess up, go back and do something you forgot to do.
Anyone, correct me if I am wrong above!

Messages In This Thread
Using "EditObject(...);" - by Larry123 - 13.12.2012, 11:40
Re: Using "EditObject(...);" - by RajatPawar - 13.12.2012, 11:48
Re: Using "EditObject(...);" - by Larry123 - 13.12.2012, 11:55

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