11.12.2012, 17:30
I made a simple /buy command, it's working but anyone can help me to sort up the code a bit. It's kinda noobish and i want it to be looking better and easier to use
Is there any for example stock to be made for ex:
So I can use
if (strcmp(cmd, "/buy", true) == 0) { if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 5.0, 1566.8317, -1691.0072, 5.8906)) //PD { ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,6,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"Weapons","1. Deagle (250$)\n2.MP5 (500$)\n3.m4 (1000$)\n4. AK-47 (1000$)\n5. SD Pistol (150$)\n6. 9mm (150$)\n7. Shotgun (300$)\n8. Micro SMG (500$)\n9. Sawnoff Shotgun (700$)\n10.Combat Shotgun (1000$)\n11. Tec-9 (500$)\n12.Country Rifle (1000$)\n13. Sniper Rifle (2000$)\n14. RPG (5000$)\n14. Flame Thrower (4000$)", "Buy", "Close"); } else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 5.0, 2175.8867,-2259.5242,14.7734)) //bratva { ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,6,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"Weapons","1. Deagle (250$)\n2.MP5 (500$)\n3.m4 (1000$)\n4. AK-47 (1000$)\n5. SD Pistol (150$)\n6. 9mm (150$)\n7. Shotgun (300$)\n8. Micro SMG (500$)\n9. Sawnoff Shotgun (700$)\n10.Combat Shotgun (1000$)\n11. Tec-9 (500$)\n12.Country Rifle (1000$)\n13. Sniper Rifle (2000$)\n14. RPG (5000$)\n14. Flame Thrower (4000$)", "Buy", "Close"); } else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 5.0, 2497.3757, -1687.8939, 13.5221)) //Grove Street { ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,6,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"Weapons","1. Deagle (250$)\n2.MP5 (500$)\n3.m4 (1000$)\n4. AK-47 (1000$)\n5. SD Pistol (150$)\n6. 9mm (150$)\n7. Shotgun (300$)\n8. Micro SMG (500$)\n9. Sawnoff Shotgun (700$)\n10.Combat Shotgun (1000$)\n11. Tec-9 (500$)\n12.Country Rifle (1000$)\n13. Sniper Rifle (2000$)\n14. RPG (5000$)\n14. Flame Thrower (4000$)", "Buy", "Close"); } return 1; }
buyplaces { coords coords coords };
If(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(5.0, buyplaces))