Don't you think Justin Bieber has gone too far?

Who the hell cares. It is a professional sport, if you can't take a little hate from fans, then you probably shouldn't be playing in them. I'm not saying he isn't a good boxer, shit he's one of the best, but seriously this is posted because he actually got dissed for once. Shit happens, that's a part of life. Honestly no, Justin Bieber hasn't gone to far.

In fact, Bieber has finally showed he has true man balls under his faggatory music.

Originally Posted by xtr3mepWnaGe
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Hell, I'm a filipino and i think this is way too offensive. What do you guys think?
No offense, but I had a feeling this would be coming up...

PS: Honestly, NFL players get dissed worse than Manny Pacquiao. And they take that shit everyday of the year even not during their season. Just because Manny Pacquiao finally got dissed by someone, doesn't mean you have to get all upset. In the end, why does it even bother you so much? In the end, in about a year, no one will care/remember this. (Except Pacquiao)

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