[Dcmd]How to make /Arrest[id] and /Arrest command

You can use sscanf to check if they entered an id.
pawn Код:
if(sscanf(params, "u", id))
    //They didn't enter an id, use loop or something to find nearest player
    //They entered an id

Messages In This Thread
[Dcmd]How to make /Arrest[id] and /Arrest command - by Admigo - 10.12.2012, 14:18
Re: [Dcmd]How to make /Arrest[id] and /Arrest command - by you10 - 10.12.2012, 14:42
Re: [Dcmd]How to make /Arrest[id] and /Arrest command - by LarzI - 10.12.2012, 14:46
Re: [Dcmd]How to make /Arrest[id] and /Arrest command - by Mustafa6155 - 10.12.2012, 15:04

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