Server Crashing,need help.Urgent.

Originally Posted by Devilxz97
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Originally Posted by AndreT
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That's a known vulnerability regarding dialog inputs, but I assume it is not something that should be disabled at the SA-MP core level, because there are other things to do with the input rather than format it, so the SA-MP developers cannot possibly restrict percent signs.

What you need to do is get rid of these using a loop, for example:
pawn Код:
for(new i = 0, j = strlen(inputtext); i != j; i++)
    if(inputtext[i] == '%')
        inputtext[i] = ' ';
Sorry for re-repost i just wanna thank everyone for being awesome
I just fixed it with:

pawn Код:
if(strfind(inputtext, "%") != -1) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "Go crash another server faggot/bitch.");

Messages In This Thread
Server Crashing,need help.Urgent. - by Penki4a - 09.12.2012, 18:20
Re: Server Crashing,need help.Urgent. - by Devilxz97 - 09.12.2012, 18:30
Re: Server Crashing,need help.Urgent. - by Penki4a - 09.12.2012, 18:35
Re: Server Crashing,need help.Urgent. - by AndreT - 09.12.2012, 18:41
Re: Server Crashing,need help.Urgent. - by Penki4a - 09.12.2012, 18:48
Re: Server Crashing,need help.Urgent. - by AndreT - 09.12.2012, 19:33

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