I need help with my GTA

Zircon-Hosting - I have tried this but nothing have changed..

RTR12 -
Only if I look straight down whole map will disappear doesn't matter you are on the ground or not.

Dwane - It helps if I keep Draw Distance to a minimum but I think this is not a right way to solve this problem must be something else I can do to fix it.

PS. I forgot to mention that this problem depends on weather and time in game ( Day or Night ) for example if I change weather to "Scorching hot" whole map will start to flicker some objects will disappear but if I'll change weahter to "Blue sky" everything will get back to normal.

Messages In This Thread
I need help with my GTA - by Marcynka - 25.11.2012, 21:12
Re: I need help with my GTA - by Marcynka - 01.12.2012, 22:26
Re: I need help with my GTA - by Zircon-Hosting - 02.12.2012, 16:26
Re: I need help with my GTA - by Sting. - 02.12.2012, 17:12
Re: I need help with my GTA - by CrossUSAAF - 02.12.2012, 18:23
Re: I need help with my GTA - by Konstantinos - 02.12.2012, 18:28
Re: I need help with my GTA - by Marcynka - 03.12.2012, 23:36

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