Can't kill a timer

When you exit a vehicle a timer is set off, when you enter the vehicle, the timer should be killed, but it doesn't get killed and it triggers a fuction when a player is driving the vehicle which shouldn't happen.

This is OnPlayerExitVehicle

	Timer_VehAlarm[vehicleid] = SetTimerEx("DisableVehicleLE", 1000*15, false, "d", vehicleid);
public OnPlayerEnterVehicle(playerid, vehicleid, ispassenger)
	new Timer_VehAlarm[MAX_VEHICLES];

Messages In This Thread
Can't kill a timer - by Moron - 03.12.2012, 04:24
Re: Can't kill a timer - by Bakr - 03.12.2012, 04:34
Re: Can't kill a timer - by Moron - 03.12.2012, 13:32

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