02.12.2012, 16:40
Interesting creation!
I remember years ago when some server called Above Ultimate was full of stuff that I was eager to make myself but just couldn't manage. This somewhat reminds me of stuff of that kind.
Without investigating the code in deep mode, you could run some quick on-the-surface modifications that are a bit faster, for example:
1. in the fusrodah command, don't use repeated IsPlayerInVehicle checks, rather depend on what is returned by GetPlayerVehicleID as you seem to use the vehicle ID value as well in later code.
2. same goes for the is-player-in-vehicle checks in the first loop in the same command.
3. you can save the function call to IsPlayerConnected because IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint will return false if the player isn't connected.
4. you can save the function call to floatsqroot by simply comparing the outcome of the calculation to the distance squared (compare to 25.0 instead of 5.0 for example).
5. not an optimization tip, but make the vehicle loop depend on MAX_VEHICLES to ensure the fs works on all servers.
6. to seek maximal performance out of it, you could implement the logic of function GetXYInFrontOfPlayer into your code so it doesn't create extra variables and so on.
Very nice script!
I remember years ago when some server called Above Ultimate was full of stuff that I was eager to make myself but just couldn't manage. This somewhat reminds me of stuff of that kind.
Without investigating the code in deep mode, you could run some quick on-the-surface modifications that are a bit faster, for example:
1. in the fusrodah command, don't use repeated IsPlayerInVehicle checks, rather depend on what is returned by GetPlayerVehicleID as you seem to use the vehicle ID value as well in later code.
2. same goes for the is-player-in-vehicle checks in the first loop in the same command.
3. you can save the function call to IsPlayerConnected because IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint will return false if the player isn't connected.
4. you can save the function call to floatsqroot by simply comparing the outcome of the calculation to the distance squared (compare to 25.0 instead of 5.0 for example).
5. not an optimization tip, but make the vehicle loop depend on MAX_VEHICLES to ensure the fs works on all servers.
6. to seek maximal performance out of it, you could implement the logic of function GetXYInFrontOfPlayer into your code so it doesn't create extra variables and so on.
Very nice script!