Carmenu won't change to other menu

I've got a carshop, and when you enter it one menu pops up, and in the bottom of that menu there's a button called next. But when i press this next button the only thing that happens is that the select thingy goes back up to the first option. It's meant to close down that menu and open up another menu.

	if(GetPlayerMenu(playerid) == CarList)
		    case 0: // Sultan
		    case 1: // Slamvan
		    case 2: // Buffalo
      		case 3: // Infernus
      		case 4: // Cheetah
      		case 5: // Banshee
      		case 6: // Next
				ShowMenuForPlayer(CarList2, playerid);
 	if(GetPlayerMenu(playerid) == CarList2)
		    case 0: // Sultan
		    case 1: // Slamvan
		    case 2: // Buffalo
      		case 3: // Infernus
      		case 4: // Cheetah
      		case 5: // Banshee
      		case 6: // Previous
				ShowMenuForPlayer(CarList, playerid);

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Carmenu won't change to other menu - by 9903286 - 30.11.2012, 13:33

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