Fail to complile (argument 2)?

pawn Код:
#define COLOR_GREEN 0xFF9900FF
When you define a color, choose a color from here here Then copy the ID without the #, Then place 0x infront of the code and FF at the end.

Messages In This Thread
Fail to complile (argument 2)? - by ajmac22 - 28.11.2012, 21:27
Re: Fail to complile (argument 2)? - by NumbSkull - 28.11.2012, 21:30
Re: Fail to complile (argument 2)? - by Lz - 28.11.2012, 21:33
Re: Fail to complile (argument 2)? - by NumbSkull - 28.11.2012, 21:35
Re: Fail to complile (argument 2)? - by ajmac22 - 28.11.2012, 21:42

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