Hmmm Give Me Your Opinions??

A tip for you LeGGGeNNdA, make sure that the motherboard which you're going to purchase will be compatible with future parts, I mean, it's easy to exchange a graphics card or a harddrive, but it can be a pain in the ass if you need to exchange the whole motherboard. Anyway, as Samp_india said get an Intel i5 processor, 4GB DDR3 RAM, Nvidia Geforce GTX460 (perhaps better), 7200 rmp normal harddisk 500GB or if you want, a 256 GB SSD. Also, make sure that you get the proper case or you might face problems regarding overheating as well as a power supply with more than enough power in case you need more power-demanding parts in the future.

Messages In This Thread
Hmmm Give Me Your Opinions?? - by LeGGGeNNdA - 28.11.2012, 10:22
Re: Hmmm Give Me Your Opinions?? - by Samp_India - 28.11.2012, 10:27
Re: Hmmm Give Me Your Opinions?? - by Ironboy500[TW] - 28.11.2012, 10:32
Re: Hmmm Give Me Your Opinions?? - by LeGGGeNNdA - 28.11.2012, 10:34
Re: Hmmm Give Me Your Opinions?? - by Samp_India - 28.11.2012, 10:41
Re: Hmmm Give Me Your Opinions?? - by LeGGGeNNdA - 28.11.2012, 10:43
Re: Hmmm Give Me Your Opinions?? - by Zircon-Hosting - 28.11.2012, 11:11
Re: Hmmm Give Me Your Opinions?? - by LeGGGeNNdA - 28.11.2012, 12:42
Re: Hmmm Give Me Your Opinions?? - by V1ceC1ty - 28.11.2012, 12:49

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