26.11.2012, 15:12
Nice copying a filterscript?
That's exactly what InfinityCOD wrote on his one!!
Please do not remove the credit! Or I will cry
//Please do not remove the credit! Or I will cry :( #include <a_samp> new strR[255]; #define FILTERSCRIPT #define VERSION "1.0" public OnFilterScriptInit() { print("<<-------------------------------->>"); print(" Anti-advertisment "); print(" Special Made By Dylan Green "); print(" By: Dylan "); print("-----------------------------------\n"); return 1; } public OnPlayerText(playerid, text[]) { new is1=0; new r=0; while(strlen(text[is1])) { if('0'<=text[is1]<='9') { new is2=is1+1; new p=0; while(p==0) { if('0'<=text[is2]<='9'&&strlen(text[is2])) is2++; else { strmid(strR[r],text,is1,is2,255); if(strval(strR[r])<255) r++; is1=is2; p=1; } } } is1++; } if(r>=4) { new strMy[255]; new STRname[255]; GetPlayerName(playerid,STRname,255); format(strMy, sizeof(strMy), " Suspicion advertising %s(%d): %s",STRname,playerid,text); for(new j1=0; j1 < MAX_PLAYERS;j1++) if(IsPlayerAdmin(j1)) SendClientMessage(j1, 0xFF0000FF, strMy); for(new z=0;z<r;z++) { new pr2; while((pr2=strfind(text,strR[z],true))!=-1) for(new i=pr2,j=pr2+strlen(strR[z]);i<j;i++) text[i]='*'; Kick(playerid); } } return 1; }
Please do not remove the credit! Or I will cry