Scripting Help (Simple)

Return 1 if the command was successfully sent. Returning 0, the message is: - to appear in the chat "SERVER Unknown Command.".
Return 0 if you do not want to convey message (for example a mutescript).

Messages In This Thread
Scripting Help (Simple) - by zero4000 - 24.11.2012, 23:26
Re: Scripting Help (Simple) - by Azazelo - 24.11.2012, 23:30
Re: Scripting Help (Simple) - by zero4000 - 24.11.2012, 23:39
AW: Scripting Help (Simple) - by Blackazur - 24.11.2012, 23:45
Re: Scripting Help (Simple) - by zero4000 - 24.11.2012, 23:53
Re: Scripting Help (Simple) - by Azazelo - 25.11.2012, 00:10
Re: Scripting Help (Simple) - by Glad2BeHere - 25.11.2012, 02:16

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