How do they know what line is the error coming from?

Because it states the line number in the error message? Experienced coders can also identify and solve certain error immediately.

Messages In This Thread
How do they know what line is the error coming from? - by JaKe Elite - 23.11.2012, 11:53
Re: How do they know what line is the error coming from? - by RXservers - 23.11.2012, 12:06
Re: How do they know what line is the error coming from? - by Vince - 23.11.2012, 12:08
Re: How do they know what line is the error coming from? - by Mark™ - 23.11.2012, 12:21
Re: How do they know what line is the error coming from? - by M3mPHi$_S3 - 23.11.2012, 12:46

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