[Off] GTA United MP dead?

O que sгo, para onde foram?

GTAU a alguns dias tentei criar um servidor, as informaзхes estгo extintas, й realmente uma pena que tenhamos "perdido" um "irmгo" do sa-mp.

Procurei arquivos para criar o servidor, atй achei, mas... devem ser bem antigos.
O que vocкs acham? Morreu porque ninguйm jogava ou...

I found nothing talking about this stuff, please, if not allowed, send me a notification and delet/close the topic. Tks.

Messages In This Thread
GTA United dead? - by rannyere - 23.11.2012, 00:57
Re: GTA United MP dead? - by zSuYaNw - 23.11.2012, 01:04
Re: GTA United MP dead? - by rannyere - 23.11.2012, 01:11
Re: GTA United MP dead? - by Nice-.- - 23.11.2012, 01:38
Re: GTA United MP dead? - by rannyere - 23.11.2012, 01:59
Respuesta: GTA United MP dead? - by [NVC]iTrevaS - 23.11.2012, 02:12
Re: GTA United MP dead? - by alexcordeiro - 23.11.2012, 02:22
Re: GTA United MP dead? - by SeV_ - 23.11.2012, 09:06
Re: GTA United MP dead? - by Nice-.- - 23.11.2012, 11:27
Re: GTA United MP dead? - by SeV_ - 23.11.2012, 11:34

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