
Vb and pawn are nothing alike.

They have different methods of doing things.
By there is a plugin I have seen somewhere where you an make your scripts with VB.NET and it will on samp.
But you should know that vb speed is slower.

Messages In This Thread
vb - by ozm8 - 22.11.2012, 20:56
Re: vb - by park4bmx - 22.11.2012, 21:04
Re: vb - by linuxthefish - 23.11.2012, 06:27
Re: vb - by Vince - 23.11.2012, 10:55
Re: vb - by Gh05t_ - 23.11.2012, 11:09
Re: vb - by Jarnu - 23.11.2012, 11:16

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