22.11.2012, 18:46
Okay Thanks, i found another guide which helped me
But now when i go near the point it spams the audio stream? How can i stop this?
I have tried changing the "True" to "false" but then it just doesn't work atall. :/
thats my public if you need it?
But now when i go near the point it spams the audio stream? How can i stop this?
SetTimer("musicstall", 1500, true); |
thats my public if you need it?
public musicstall() { for(new i = 1; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 5.0,1478.8761,-1666.3502,14.5532)) { PlayAudioStreamForPlayer(i, "http://adstorage.jamba.net/storage/view/325/0/ha/Have_Yourself_A_Merry_Litt1.mp3"); } } return 1; } |