
Just change the speed.

pawn Код:
        MoveObject(gate1, 4891.3999023438, 3110.6000976563, 31.10000038147, 5.0);
        MoveObject(gate2, 4891.3999023438, 3122.8000488281, 31.10000038147, 5.0);
        SCM(playerid, 0x00FF00FF, "BOT: The Gate Will Close In 5 Sec(s)");
    return 1;
public Closegates();
        MoveObject(gate1, 4891.3999023438 ,3114.6999511719 ,31.10000038147, 5.0);
        MoveObject(gate2, 4891.3999023438 ,3118.8000488281 ,31.10000038147, 5.0);

Messages In This Thread
FIX - by Windrush - 22.11.2012, 14:17
AW: Some Thing Wrong - by Skimmer - 22.11.2012, 14:20

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